I’m going to join Computational Cognitive Affective Neuroscience Lab; COCOAN Lab (P.I. Choong-Wan Woo) as a graduate student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research(CNIR) at Sungkyunkwan University. I met Dr. Choong-Wan Woo who got a Ph.D. recently from the University of Colorado, Boulder (P.I. Tor Wager) at the summer internship program of CNIR. Fortunately, I’m able to join his new lab as a first-generation student! 💪
Sungkyunkwan University has two campuses which are located in Seoul (Humanities and Social Science Campus) and Suwon (Natural Science Campus), respectively. Department of Biomedical Engineering and CNIR are in Suwon Natural Science Campus. Seoul is the capital city of South Korea and Suwon is the capital and largest city of Gyeonggi-do, the most populous province surrounds Seoul.
I have lived in Seoul and it is the first time to live outside of Seoul. However, the first impression of Suwon is a such beautiful and peaceful city. Now, I am excited about starting a new journey with COCOAN lab!